昨天在学习在sdk下创建状态栏, 在《windows程序设计》中没有相关内容, 只好求助于msdn, 我装的是6.0中文版的,不过翻译的很不完全,还不如不翻译。 在Platform SDk/User Interface Services/Common Controls/Status Bars 中我找到了相关介绍, 庆幸的是还有示例代码,如下:
// DoCreateStatusBar – creates a status bar and divides it into
// the specified number of parts.
// Returns the handle to the status bar.
// hwndParent – parent window for the status bar.
// nStatusID – child window identifier.
// hinst – handle to the application instance.
// nParts – number of parts into which to divide the status bar.
HWND DoCreateStatusBar(HWND hwndParent, int nStatusID,
HINSTANCE hinst, int nParts)
HWND hwndStatus;
RECT rcClient;
HLOCAL hloc;
LPINT lpParts;
int i, nWidth;
// Ensure that the common control DLL is loaded.
// Create the status bar.
hwndStatus = CreateWindowEx(
0, // no extended styles
STATUSCLASSNAME, // name of status bar class
(LPCTSTR) NULL, // no text when first created
SBARS_SIZEGRIP | // includes a sizing grip
WS_CHILD, // creates a child window
0, 0, 0, 0, // ignores size and position
hwndParent, // handle to parent window
(HMENU) nStatusID, // child window identifier
hinst, // handle to application instance
NULL); // no window creation data
// Get the coordinates of the parent window’s client area.
GetClientRect(hwndParent, &rcClient);
// Allocate an array for holding the right edge coordinates.
hloc = LocalAlloc(LHND, sizeof(int) * nParts);
lpParts = LocalLock(hloc);
// Calculate the right edge coordinate for each part, and
// copy the coordinates to the array.
nWidth = rcClient.right / nParts;
for (i = 0; i < nParts; i++) {
lpParts[i] = nWidth;
nWidth += nWidth;
// Tell the status bar to create the window parts.
SendMessage(hwndStatus, SB_SETPARTS, (WPARAM) nParts,
(LPARAM) lpParts);
// Free the array, and return.
return hwndStatus;
注意到上面43-44行 程序的本意是想等分状态栏成nParts, 但lpParts[i],每等分的起始位置,却在循环中呈2的倍数增长。 当nParts==4时,实际效果只有3块。 于是我改了一下, for (i = 0; i < nParts; i++) { lpParts[i] = nWidth*(i+1); } 这样显示就正常了。